There is nothing like a good scary story to get the blood to pumping! If you love being terrified, read on to discover the 10 best horror novels ever! How many of these make you want to sleep with the lights on?
1. The Shinning by Stephen King - There is nothing like an abandoned hotel during the winter to keep you up at night, add in a creepy kid with psychic ability and a father losing his mind and it makes for a great read!
2. It by Stephen King - An eponymous being disguised as a clown that prefers children for his prey. A clown... Enough said.
3. Salem's Lot by Stephen King - There is so much going on in this book, vampires, a cemetery, and a creepy laughing child.
4. Dracula by Bram Stoker - Just when you thought Stephen King was going to dominate the list, along comes a classic that gave us the romantic image of the vampire. A must read for any horror fan.
5. Misery by Stephen King - And now it's back to the master, yes, it's Stephen King again. A crazed fan, an unfortunate accident, and some of the best descriptions I have ever read.
6. The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty - I didn't think this one was particularly scary, but no horror list would be complete without it.
7. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - Frankenstein is a classic horror tale that no list would be complete without! A doctor's obsession reanimates the dead in this famous cautionary tale of romance and science fiction.
8. Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin - I made the mistake and saw the film first, but it really can't do justice to this story. A young couple moves into a new apartment and meets the strange couple next door. Suddenly, things take a very dark turn! Not something you should read if you're pregnant.
9. Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice - One of my all-time favorite books! Anne Rice introduces the sympathetic vampire and brings the flagging genre back to life. A must read for any vampire fan.
10. Cujo by Stephen King - The book that made everyone terrified of dogs! A rabid dog terrorizes a woman and her child. The book scared me enough, but then I turned around a watched the movie too!
Now that you have your list of the best horror novels ever, why not go over to the library and check out a few?